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Writer's pictureSophia Michalopoulou


"Water helps us find the words that speak to the deepest aspects of our being, our core self."

WHAT ARE THE WORDS YOU WISHED YOU HAD HEARD AS A BABY OR CHILD? While immersed in warm water we often return to a very soft, malleable and neutral state of being which creates a very sensitive yet powerful field in which the words we hear, as if for the first time, can help us re-pattern fundamental pre and perinatal fragmentations in ourselves due to trauma or simply the absence of awareness or presence around us at the time of their formation in utero or neonatal life.


‘I Love You’

‘I see you and I hear you’

‘You can trust me’


GOOD PARENT MESSAGES are phrases used by Integrative Body Psychotherapy (IBP) which is a psychotherapy that recognizes and treats the somatic (physical), psychological/emotional, and spiritual nature of a human being. These messages address core aspects of our human psyche which are in part true for all of us and are of profound benefit when heard or expressed in Integrative Aquatic Therapy Sessions (IAT).


IBP which was first developed by Jack Lee Rosenberg, Ph.D starting in the late 1970s, is based on the premise that the body, mind, and spirit are not separate, but rather integrated parts of a whole person. Every experience has a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspect, which manifests internally within the body, and externally in relationship to others.


Through experience and repetition as an Integrative Aquatic Therapist as well as a birth doula, I have discovered a few words and phrases that have immerged in warm water that address a circle of belonging in our psyche that speak to the more cosmic or transcendental aspects of our being. Our ‘Soul’s Essence’, so to speak, which also seeks to be heard and acknowledged in order to feel it too belongs here within our physical body.


Water helps us re-member disconnected aspects of our multidimensional being by bringing them to the surface of our cognitive awareness, helping us integrate the powerful emotional waves that come with these core aspects of ourselves and to forge connections between our various capacities in order to find the words to express that which was previously unseen or invisible, from the inside out.


Water helps us to connect, verbalise and express ourselves from the deepest crevices of our being often with the most simple authenticity, with the kind of words babies and children, in fact, find the most reassuring. On a physiological level increased blood flow and oxygenation to the brain help form new synapses and regenerate old ones empowering our verbal capacities. Water however is infinitely complex in nature and also helps us heal and learn through transmission and reverberation of the slightest shifts in sound and energy.


Next time you arrive at an apparent loss for words try doing the following:


Slow down, rewind, connect to the underlying emotion, allow sound to surface, then one word at a time…..if your water could speak what would it say?


Water creates a continuum of embodied and connected experience from the inside out, from previously disconnected aspects of ourselves back into more expanded, spacious and coherent version of ourselves. The heightened capacity of water as a medium for communication is applied in therapeutic sessions for adults as well as layered experiences for babies, children and their families in interactive learning and therapeutic environments on land and in water.


Feel free to get in touch for case specific feedback on improved Communication with Water.

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