“Almost anybody can learn to think or believe or know, but not a single human being can be taught to feel. Why? Because whenever you think or you believe or you know, you’re a lot of other people but the moment you feel, you’re nobody-but-yourself.” ~ E. E. Cummings
If you've been at this for a while, feeling overwhelmed by the state of global affairs, grieving for our crumbling ecosystem, exhausted by the continuous and intense planetary transits, still wanting to show up as a present and heart-centred human being but with a weak string of inner talk inherited from your family lineage, then you are more than likely in need of a hug or a comforting pat on the back.
A world that has very much been driven by logic, productivity competence and placing value on things that make sense, has unmistakably taken its toll on humanity’s ability to flex our emotional muscles, to know what we want and like and to listen to our own natural ability to tune into ourselves first. Understandably it is increasingly difficult to 'stay positive' and not to mention the relentless long long-lasting heat.
The focus continues to be on mass production, placing consumerable labels and streamlining individuality in a way that suits the box. Time here is essentially linear, fast and unforgiving to mistakes. Schools and businesses reinforce this system by asking us to meet performance targets that will meet predetermined numbers.
Our dreams, instincts, intuitions, imaginations and desires make up the language that connects us to ourselves, to others and the natural environment. Failing to practice using this language leads to disconnection and isolation within ourselves and the world around us. Time here is anything but linear, always spiralling, falling only to rise again seconds, light-years later. Failing to meet targets in a foreseeable way, this way of doing things has been demonized, even, in the past.
The state of our waters, oceans and streams is a direct reflection of the ‘rubbish’ we are in. I will say no more, for this will add more credit to the judgment pool..... So if you’ve been struggling to be true to yourself, to lead a fulfilling life that is defined by moments of happiness and generally feeling at odds with yourself, don’t worry you’ve had the legitimate world system lined up against you!
No one was ever asked how they felt at school as regularly as they were asked to add up some numbers, rarely were we told we were doing great and even less so were we encouraged to seek our unique gifts and outright shine. So how to you prep yourself with positive inner talk that things are going to be ok?
The systemized denial of our true and innermost nature has created anger, frustration and ultimately fear. Who do I trust if not myself? How do I learn to listen to a voice that was forever being asked to hush or was not seen or heard enough through intergenerational incapacitation? And no I am not talking about fake it till you make it here nor obsessive affirmations spoonfed through an app. I am referring to the subtle subliminal messages our inner voices are reverberating daily through our systems.
Now this isn’t necessarily someone’s fault or evil conniving. I am not prone to conspiracy thinking either. I think it’s the mathematical probability of a certain behaviour that didn’t get calculated properly and is now out of hand, feels unstoppable, its appetite is monstrous and too many people think they have too much to lose and to fear.
There is, however, a simple thing that we can do that is more important now than ever and that is to BELIEVE in ourselves no matter what, against all odds….even if we do make mistakes along the way. Some of the most famous art in the world, the most useful scientific inventions and possible global solutions were made by 'mistake' after all.
In this world of transition you will be made to feel like you are too much. You are taking center stage after all! Be your own parent and counsel your inner child wisely. Be encouraging, be forgiving and above all don’t give up! Reach out if you need help, recognise the pattern and the lack and reinforce with new voices of inner talk again and again.
Changes are happening. Truly empowered human beings are shining their light guiding us by example. Green schools and forest schools are delivering new approaches that are asking children the real questions that living life demands. To breathe as a way of becoming and to feel as a way of being are being recognized in many ways than one.
So my intention here is to inquire to support and to inspire in order to motivate so that we may forgive and love ourselves a little bit more as we rise as universal humans, like never before. We are the ones we have been waiting for, if not us then who?
Oh and please stay in bed a little longer this morning and give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back!